The latest bruhaha to grip the Island is the cell tower scam at Our Lady Star of the Sea School in Huguenot. Parents are threatening to pull their children out, the school is installing steel gates over the windows (fire code anyone?), and local politicians are about to weigh in with the hope of gaining some political momentum. Hogwash! All of it. I worked in the nuclear power field, I wore a REM tag, It was read and measured evry month. I have produced (ok women, helped produce) five vibrant healthy children without a single defect (other than some attitude), so give it a rest...the amount of "radiation" emitted is negligible compared to other daily common sources. Watching TV is more dangerous. Once again fear reigns supreme on Staten Island, the stupidest comment ever was by some woman who was interviewed, when asked how she knows that the radiation amount is dangerous, she replied,"they can't prove that it isn't". Don't we realize that these towers are everywhere?What?!?! We are still doing things we already have proven are dangerous, but we keep doing it (smoking comes to mind). The latest 'cause celebre' will be taken up by whichever politician is closest to re-election and this will dominate the news but to no avail. Unless of course those same parents are willing to pay Sprint (and T-mobile coming soon) to break those contracts. I didn't think so.
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