Monday, July 14, 2008

North Shore Rail line could cost 1.4 Billion $$

Get it started already!
1.4 Billion? DO IT!! In the long run we will end up paying much more in health, congestion, and other costs associated with a lackluster public transportation system. The key is getting the job done, done right, and within budget. The MTA (or whichever agency is charged with refurbishing the line) needs ti institute a bonus for on-time, on budget work. This should be a city-wide standard. I would rather see projects re-appropriated and re-bid, than to see the enormous amount of waste that currently takes place on city projects. Of course we don't want the rail line to bring another building boom (we have had our fair share on the north shore), but the boost in values and attraction to some of the now empty buildings will improve the area. DO IT NOW!! (before the price goes up)

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