Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rules are rules...except
when changing the rules benefits the Clinton Dynasty. Lets just be clear. Hillary Clinton did not decided to move up the primary in Florida or Michigan...neither did Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton didn't set the rules regarding the penalty for changing the date...neither did Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton agreed to the rules set forth by the DNC...and so did Barack Obama. When you are part of a group that sets and agrees to rules, your operation outside of those rules is ignored. People lets not forget that this is NOT the general election, these are party elections. While party elections are important the word disenfranchisement is not really a part of the equation. Now I'm not so unreasonable as to want the innocent citizens of Florida and Michigan to feel left out, but in THIS case is there really any REASONABLE solution? A reasonable solution would address three points: fairness to the candidates, fairness to the constituency (all states including Fl and MI), and most importantly fairness to the future as in what happens next time? I don't pretend to have the answer, but whatever happens SOMEONE is not going to be happy.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Hillary continues to suffer
from foot in mouth disease. Now before anyone takes this post south let me be clear...No sane, reasonable, level-headed person can possibly believe that she was giving the secret go signal for an Obama assassination (or any other insideous wishful thinking)...HOWEVER while her choice of reference was on point, her choice of wording was way off...dare I say - unfortunate.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Staten Island is still a great place to raise kids
As a lifelong Staten Islander (post Verrazano)Staten Island is still the lesser of 5 evils. I love living here and wouldn't have it any other way. I have visited other countries and some other states, but I find raising my kids here to be fulfilling. One note I would make: The governing factor behind the quality of life for individual families and how well they raise their children, rests with their values. That is to say you can raise children well just about anywhere when you maintain a strong family ethic.
Join the SLACKTIVISM movement
Become a slacktivist in three easy steps;
1. complain alot
2. spend inordinate amounts of time in online forums
3. be passionate about your views ...
but ultimately do nothing
1. complain alot
2. spend inordinate amounts of time in online forums
3. be passionate about your views ...
but ultimately do nothing
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Just in case you think McCain is 'presidential material'
take a look at this video posted on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c
Seems as though double-speak is the new preferred language of the Republican Party!
Seems as though double-speak is the new preferred language of the Republican Party!
ATTENTION Staten Island Democrats!
Do not take Vito Fossella's decision not to run as a signal for a free-for-all. It is important at this time that we stand behind the candidates that WE put out front to defeat Vito. There will be more than enough issues at stake trying to get a democrat into the seat in the first place without having to split the party up over who will be the best candidate. The Republican stronghold can be broken, the demographics have changed and people have grown weary of SSDD. Now is the time for unity!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Don't do it Barack!
Don't give Hillary the 'payoff' unless she
a.-wholeheartedly throws her support behind you, and
b. promises NOT to ask for the VP slot.
You can let her be Secretary of State (may as well put all that 'experience' and moxie to work for good).
a.-wholeheartedly throws her support behind you, and
b. promises NOT to ask for the VP slot.
You can let her be Secretary of State (may as well put all that 'experience' and moxie to work for good).
Staten Island Views Endorses
Steve Harrison for Congress '09. Go to his website; http://www.steveharrisonforcongress.com/ , check out his views and other endorsements, then donate to his campaign to make a difference, and return dignity to the 13th District.
Vito did not have 'bad luck' and it was no accident
A three year plus run of bad luck? No that accident, took work to keep under wraps. Like it or not Vito was having the time of his life shtupping two women at the same time. It was not bad luck, he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He stood on a soapbox and exhorted virtuous values all the while he was laughing in our faces. Only a moron would support him now. It is shameful how people still fall over themselves to kiss his boots. Staten Island will be the laughing stock of the city WHEN this clown gets re-elected.
Confederate Flag T-shirt
The issue in reality is not the flag or its relevance in history or relationship to slavery. From an administrative standpoint, the school has not taken a stance. The boy in this case is the victim, and the hecklers are the aggressors. Both the mother AND the young man have admitted that the shirt is the likley source. My point is, as a parent, if ANYTHING affects my childs grades, I would try to change the source. Nether the school nor this story is likely to change the feelings of the offenders. Shaun: Wear the shirt when your grades improve, wear it at home, wear it to the mall. Don't allow anyone to surpress your freedom of expression. LIKEWISE don't let anything get in the way of your education. As for your mother, she has to understand that she will NOT obtain satisfactory results from the school administration. Any action that comes from the school will result in the school recommending that he no longer wear the shirt. Is it fair? no, but there is so much more going on in school that is more important. Good luck.
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